
A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews is unavailable, but you can change that!

For over one hundred years, the International Critical Commentary series has held a special place among works on the Bible. It has sought to bring together all the relevant aids to exegesis—linguistic and textual no less than archaeological, historical, literary and theological—with a level of comprehension and quality of scholarship unmatched by any other series. No attempt has been made to...

(b) It contains a note of encouragement in v. 7; and (c) it is at once followed up by an eager hope that the readers will disappoint their friend and teacher’s fear (v. 9). In the later church this feature of Πρὸς Ἑβραίους entered into the ecclesiastical question of penance (cp. ERE ix:716, and Journal of Theological Studies, iv: 321 f.), and seriously affected the vogue of the epistle (cp. Introd. p. xx). The fourfold description of believers (4, 5a) begins with ἅπαξ φωτισθέντας, where φωτισθέντας
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